Picky eaters are something all of us as a mom have dealt with. Those long dinners where we just try to get them to eat one little bite. Or the fights over not being allowed chicken nuggets over and over again. As a mom of eight, here are my tips to get your picky eaters eating!
Let them help-Â Get kids into the cooking process. Let them pick from a variety of healthy options, and let them help make dinner. Kids will be proud of their creations and more than likely to eat dinner if they’ve been a part of the process.
Make it fun- Make food FUN. Cut vegetables into funny shapes and faces. Use alphabet noodles instead of boring pasta for soups and salad. Let kids use toppings and spices on their meals to make them more tasty.
Benetos-Â The web is flooding with the newest trend for kids and families. Benetos. A quick google search will give you a great collection of tips, tricks, and ideas for bento lunch boxes that are sure to get kids eating.
Compromise- Sometimes as parents we have to compromise. Sure you are the parents, but kids are stubborn. And unless you want them to starve, go ahead and compromise every now and again. Let them have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of tuna.
Try the age bite tactic-Â Get your kids to eat the number of spoonfuls that are their age. It’s an easy solution and if kids are given boundaries and options to not eat an entire plate, they’re more than likely to go with it.
What are your tips for handling picky eaters?

I have a very picky eater! My 8 year old son usually sits down to dinner, looks around the table to see if there is anything to his liking, then he picks up his plate and takes it into the kitchen, unused! He just won’t eat anything! It’s so frustrating!
Thanks for the tips! Nick used to be such a good eater and as he neared two he got really fussy about everything. It doesn’t help that he already can’t eat a lot because of his egg allergy.