Cloth diapering has fast become a trend among parents everywhere. It’s really no wonder either, the benefits are astounding. If you’ve ever wondered some of the reasons why to cloth diaper, especially considering disposables are much more convenient? Here are a few.
Cheaper- In the long run, cloth diapering is cheaper and far more affordable than buying diapers every other week. You can save thousands of dollars diapering only one child, and even more if you reuse them with others.
Comfortable- Cotton is a breathable material, and unlike with disposables, the risk of a diaper rash or skin irritation is much lower. Plus if you choose organic cotton, you won’t be putting harsh chemicals and dangerous man made materials on your baby’s tender skin.
Convenience- Cloth diapers are ten times more convenient than they were years ago. Liners, cleaners, and cute, fun printed covers are all available. No more safety pins and bulky liners! gDiapers sells my favorite cloth diapers by far and I have yet to use one of their products that I hated.
Environmentally friendly- Perhaps one of the best parts of cloth diapering is knowing that you aren’t adding to a landfill and damaging the planets eco system. Cloth diapering is by far more affordable, eco-friendly, and green than disposables.
What are your favorite benefits of cloth diapering?