Installing a lifelong love of learning in kids is something that doesn’t have to be hard to do. Actually, it’s quite easy and reading is just one way to do that.
Bonding with your kids over books, is something I’ve done with my children since I was pregnant with my oldest. Â All of my kids love reading, from my tween boys to my youngest daughter. Although some prefer picture books or comics-that’s to be expected after all- every one of them loves having me read aloud to them. The earlier you start reading to them, and sitting down and showing them all the doors and adventures that books can take them on, the better off they’ll be.
Reading is the foundation for a great future, and having kids who love to read is not only going to make you proud as a parent, but it’s opening so many doors for your little ones as well. Take them to the library, bring a book to the park, turn off the video games and iPods for a few minutes each day and take them on adventures that involve talking bears, dueling wizards, and magical wardrobes.
Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Little House on the Prairie, The Chronicles of Narnia, and all great series to read aloud to older children.
Strawberry Girl, Charlotte’s Webb, Peter Pan, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Tom Sawyer, Jo’s Boys, and so many more are great classic stories to read aloud to children.
Goodnight Moon, Winnie the Pooh, Peter Rabbit, Curious George, Corderoy, Madeline, Make Way for Ducklings, The Snowy Day, and Where the Wild Things Are, are all really great starts to instilling a love of reading in younger ones.
What are your tips to help instill a love of reading in kids?