Up here in the Northwest the cold has already hit and it’s only halfway through October. I’m busy shopping and getting together all the winter essentials that my children and entire family need, just like hundreds of moms across the United States. It’s no fun to have the colder weather hit only to discover that your kids are missing much needed items.
Old Navy has a great sale going on filled with steals and deals for all the winter essentials that your little girl needs!
Pompom Sweater (12months-5T, three colors) $18.35, regular $22.94
Skinny Cords for Baby (12months to 5T, three colors) $18.00
Textured Button Front Sweater (12months to 5T, three colors) $15.95, regular $19.94
Jersey Legging for Baby (12months to 5T, eight colors) $7.00
Patterned Waffle Tees (Twelve months to 5T, fifteen patterns) $6.00 regular $8.94
Fleece Santa Pants for Baby (Newborn to twenty-four months) $10.35 regular $12.94
Fleece Critter Hoodie for Baby (Newborn to twenty-four months, four colors) $8.00 regular $12.94
Patterned Jersey Dresses (Twelve to 5T, seven patterns) $8.75 regular $12.94
I found that some of my favorite items on their sale “rack” have the cutest price tags too! Be sure to check out their website to get a great 20% off discount, or visit them in-store and see everything their clearance racks have to offer.