As a mom of eight children looking back there are a few things I wish I’d known about newborns way back when I had my eldest.
Co-sleeping actually helps in most cases. While there is a great debate amongst moms on whether or not co-sleeping is actually safe, if you have a fussy newborn consider co-sleeping with it for awhile. Being close to mommy is a sure way to help deal with any sleeping issues newborns may have.
Take care of yourself too. It’s so easy to get caught up in your newborn, just don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Give your hubby the baby and take a bubble bath for once. And while baby is sleeping (newborns sleep alot!) forget about the messy house and take a nap too. You need your rest!
It’s ok to feel blue. It’s so normal for a new mom, or even a veteran mom to feel overwhelmed or blue while things are crazy. This is perfectly normal, and once the first few weeks are passed you’ll fall in love with your new baby and forget how crazy, tiring, and slightly depressing the first few weeks can be.
Breastfeeding does get easier. If you choose to breastfeed remember that it does get easier. It’s not always painful or hard, while it may seem like that for the first few weeks.
Treasure the precious moments with them. Children grow up so fast, treasure every moment that you have with your newborn. Sure exploding diapers and those 3AM feedings aren’t any fun, but remember one day soon your little one isn’t going to need you as much anymore.
What do you wish you’d known about newborns?