It’s obvious a big factor of Halloween fun is the candy, come on, even us moms have to admit that. What mom hasn’t enjoyed a bit of their kids candy? Or indulged in the “scarily” good bakery goods. Halloween’s biggest fun factor is also our teeth, not to mention our waistlines biggest nightmare.
Sugar not only gives you hyperactive kids, but large amounts lead to an appetite for only sugar. Not to mention all those empty calories inside your child’s body. Sure they burn those off, but the last affects of sugar overtime can be dangerous. Not to mention upset tummies and headaches.
Talk to your kids about how we aren’t going to eat all our candy at once, we’re going to divide it up over the weeks. If your children can’t handle spreading it out, tell them you’re going to have a cut off date for trick or treating so you won’t get an access amount of candy. Most kids will be completely fine with spreading it out after hearing that. Who wants to miss out on Halloween fun?
Don’t let tender little teeth have hard candy, not only for choking hazards, but also because of the damage they can do to kid’s teeth.
If you know your kids are going to come home from trick or treating with a billion candies, try to feed them a healthy dinner on the night of Halloween. If you’re throwing a party have fun, Halloween themed treats, but make sure they’re healthy!
Of course this is a Holiday and a night meant to be fun, so remember that one night isn’t going to harm your kids. Loosen up! Let them have a handful of candy or two tonight, just make sure all little teeth are brushed and the candy isn’t eaten all at once.