Black Friday shopping is hell for most of us. And it’s turned up a few degrees when you have kids in tow. Here are our tips to survive shopping with the kidlets.
First and foremost, feed the munchkins beforehand. Hungry kids make for unhappy kids, and unhappy kids will make sure that your shopping experience is even more hellish than usual. Don’t forget to bring along a snack for them. They’re going to be hungry again within a few hours of eating.
Charge your phone and let the wee ones play on interactive and educational apps while sitting in the cart. More often or not, this will keep them busy and occupied while you bargain shop.
Let them help, when it comes to older kids they can easily help you to scout down bargains on everything from food to socks. Kids will love getting to pick out their own clothing and can move through a crowd faster than you can to grab something off the shelf.
Make it fun, don’t go into it with a tired attitude. Try to make it out as an adventure and keep that in mind when the baby loses his shoe! When mama’s happy, the kiddos are happy. Even while sitting in a cart in Walmart.