Our modern world is filled with toxic materials from a wide range of sources, including commercial and private manufacturing, construction and agriculture. Homes and offices are also filled with products made from toxic materials that spread harmful chemicals as they break down.
To help keep harmful chemicals away from your kids, consider these four changes:
Reduce Lead Buildup
Old radiators are often sealed with lead paint, and some buildings still have pipes sealed with lead solders. Lead poisoning slows down the physical and mental growth of children. Hire a professional to reduce lead buildup or do the work yourself. For example, while wearing protective gear, remove loose radiator paint and re-paint surfaces with a non-lead alternative. Replace old pipes and solders with newer, safer materials.
Teach Clean Behaviors
Dirt contains harmful chemicals from roads, parking lots, public buildings and gardens. Indoor surfaces often become coated with these chemicals after people bring them inside on clothes and shoes or spray pesticides or cleaning fluids indoors. Teach your kids to wash their hands regularly before eating and daily dental care. Also advise them to never eat foods that fall on the floor. The “5-second” rule is a myth. All food surfaces, especially sticky and wet ones, become contaminated the moment they come in contact with a floor.
Ask for Composites
A lot of disagreement about metal amalgam fillings still exists in regards to mercury exposure. Dentists at least agree that amalgams pose a tooth safety risk because they allow decay to build up inside the tooth and cracks to form from chewing, pressure, grinding and clenching. Invest in your kids’ oral and total health by paying slightly more for composite fillings that reduce these types of problems.
Choose Local Organic
Organic foods and garden fertilizers are designed to reduce human exposure to harmful chemicals found in standard agricultural processes. When you buy local organic foods, you reduce the chance of exposure to contaminated organic foods grown in other countries that allow uncontrolled air, soil and water pollution. You also reduce exposure to organic goods that become contaminated during long-distance transit to this country and stores. When you buy organic fertilizers, like the products found at Nature Safe, you reduce exposures because these fertilizers are made from blends of safe, natural ingredients designed to protect the environment.
You can never completely protect your kids from everything. The best you can do is follow these and other tips to reduce harmful chemical exposures.