Most homeowners do not often think about their home’s plumbing system. When a plumbing problem does arise, it is impossible to ignore. From a backed-up sewer to a clogged bathtub drain, every part of the plumbing system needs some care. Follow these four tips to handle important periodic plumbing tasks and prevent common plumbing problems from disrupting your household.
Clean the Sinks of Food Debris
Dirty plates, bowls, and mugs often have some food debris left on them. Rinsing them to go into the dishwasher or washing them can get food debris into the sink’s S trap. This food debris gets stuck and starts to stink. Use a sink strainer to catch most of the debris after scraping the leftover food into the trash. Vinegar and baking soda reduce the odors.
Get Hair Out of the Bathtub Drain
Hair going down the bathtub drain can build up and catch soap scum and thick hair conditioner. Over time, this can lead to big clogs in the drain. Some companies, like Clearwater Plumbing, realize that you can use a sink strainer to catch the hair before it can go down the sink. About once per month, pour an enzyme cleaner into the bathroom drains to get rid of the hair, soap scum, and hair conditioner.
Auger the Sewer Line to Remove Tree Roots
If your home is located close to any large shrubs or trees, their roots could grow into the sewer line. If you notice gurgling, bubbling, slow drains, it could be due to roots. A sewage backup could happen if the roots totally obstruct the sewer line. Schedule plumbers to come out once per year and auger the sewer line to cut through the tree roots.
Have the Water Tested for Minerals and Lead
Many communities have hard water. An excess of minerals could be harmful to your health. If your home is old, it could have lead or lead solder in the pipes. Have your water checked once per year for contaminants. If you have well water, it is especially important to have it checked for bacteria, parasites, and minerals. Because well water is not treated, it could have pathogens that cause serious illnesses.
Indoor plumbing is a convenience of modern-day life. Plumbing is not so convenient when it malfunctions. By regularly maintaining your plumbing system and taking preventive actions, you can lower the chances of a major problem. If you do discover a big issue, be sure to call a licensed professional plumber to fix it correctly.