When you are both a student and a mom, you might feel overwhelmed. You may feel as if you have no time to yourself and that you are running yourself ragged. Know that your time as a student is temporary and follow these four guidelines to make the months go as smoothly as possible.
Streamline Your Meal Planning
When you are both a student and a mom, you may not have time to cook fancy meals. Consider streamlining your meal planning and preparation. Focus on recipes that use basic and similar ingredients, which will cut down on waste, clutter, and grocery shopping trips. Stick with basic ingredients such as potatoes, onions, ground beef, and other staples. Consider doing freezer cooking.
Earn a Degree in Business Administration
Earn a degree in business administration. Your skills as a mom managing appointments and a household will be good experience in learning how to run a company efficiently. You will be able to use your skills in time management, budgeting, and delegating while earning your degree in business administration. Once you have completed your degree, your people skills will help you to manage your staff effectively.
Openly Breastfeed Your Baby without Fear
In most states, women can openly breastfeed in any place where they are otherwise allowed to be. This includes campus, theaters, restaurants, shopping centers, parks, and zoos. Bring a nursing cover if you prefer, but know that you do not have to if you or your baby dislikes it. When more women openly breastfeed, it normalizes the practice and it will not seem as unusual to others.
Give Everybody Chores to Do at Home
Do not feel like you have to do it all. If you are breastfeeding your baby and going to college, you are already doing a lot. If you have older children, assign them some chores. Kids can learn how to load the dishwasher, sweep the floor, or run the vacuum. If you have a partner, make sure that he or she is carrying his or her weight with the household chores. If both of you strongly dislike doing the laundry, alternate it from week to week or month to month.
Dress The Part
Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you need to give up on style! If you dress like a professional, you will be treated like a professional. Adding a few power pieces to your wardrobe will earn you respect at school, work, and even at the pickup line at school. A great pair of leather mules, a statement blouse, and a fitted blazer are great power pieces to invest in because you will wear them for years to come.
If you want to grab a few pieces for your school and work wardrobe, check out Shopbop’s HUGE 3 Day Sale!
In a few years, you will look back on this time and wonder how you did it. Take life day by day. Say “no” to things that do not further your goals as a student or as a mother. Delegate what you can, and be sure to take care of your health.