A new year is a great time to start working toward a new you. With so many diet and beauty trends out there, it can be hard to know which one to choose to help you reach your goal. Here is a review of five healthy and beauty trends you may want to look into this year.
Beauty shots
You probably have heard about liposuction, but mic injections, which are lipotropic injections, are another popular beauty trend people may be less familiar with.
Intended for people who want to lose weight and boost their energy levels, MIC (methionine, inositol, choline) shots may even help you reach your target weight faster than on diet and exercise alone. These lipotropic agents, often called fat-burning injections, help break down fat during metabolism.
Microbiome skincare
You have probably heard about the importance of your gut microbiome for health, and microbiome skincare is the latest beauty trend to hit the market. The movement focuses on boosting the skin’s good bacteria.
The microbiome movement has gained so much traction that most recently, Bayer has partnered with Azitra to harness the power of skin microbiome bacteria to develop new natural beauty products.
Scalp care
In addition to skincare and hair care, there is now scalp care too. With so many hair products in use, it is no wonder there is a natural buildup that requires removal. Thus, experts recommend exfoliating your scalp once or twice a week, depending on build-up, just like you would exfoliate your skin.
Addressing any hair issues from the root can also help you get that lustrous hair you dream about. Healthy hair follicles will only mean healthy hair. While hair products address the surface of the follicle, scalp products can help you get to the root of the issue.
Nail care
Nail care is also not to be slighted. Just like your teeth and bones, there are vitamins for your hair and nails. Biotin, found in organ meats such as liver, as well as dairy products, egg yolk, yeast, avocado and salmon, is a popular vitamin for good nail care. A study of 35 people who had brittle nails showed that biotin 2.5 mg per day from anywhere between six weeks to seven months led to healthier nails in 63 percent of participants.
Other B vitamins also contribute to nail health such as vitamin B12, which plays a part in iron absorption. A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause blue nails. You may also want to try magnesium to help promote nail growth.
Lip care
You do not want to forget about your lips either. Lips need to be exfoliated just as much as your skin and your scalp. Exfoliating lips make them smooth, which means lipstick will glide on that much more easily. Also at the end of the day, a key part of lip care is actually removing your lipstick. Just like with your face, be sure to wipe away and wash off your lipstick thoroughly before cleansing them.
Staying hydrated is also the better alternative than licking your lips, which can dry them out. Speaking of dryness, moisturizing and hydration will also be key for lip care. Be careful when choosing your lip moisturizer, though. Some lip products containing oil may cause breakouts along the lip line, so you want to make sure to pick the right product for you.
These are just some popular health and beauty trends you may see in 2020. You can test them out to see which ones might work for you.