Working moms need to take advantage of any downtime that they get, and one of the few times that you get a break is at bedtime. Your bedroom should feel like a cozy oasis where you can retreat after a long, hard work day. These ideas will help you deck your bedroom out so that you feel relaxed as soon as you walk through the doorway.
Take the Electronics to the Living Room
Your job might wish that you were available around the clock to answer phone calls and emails. However, you will actually be much more productive if you avoid the temptation to check your accounts. Set up a charging station for your laptop and smartphone in the living room or kitchen. You’ll be more likely to read, take a bath or give yourself a manicure if you don’t have work temptation lurking over your head in your room.
Create an Organized Look
Over the years, you might have accumulated a variety of different pieces of furniture. Alternatively, you might have foregone buying things such as a headboard so that you could give your kids the things that they needed. Either way, you deserve a bedroom that feels organized and cohesive. Bedroom sets that include matching pieces of furniture give your bedroom an instant face lift. You’ll feel more relaxed when everything is in its right place. Plus, that new dresser gives you space to store more clothing so that it doesn’t pile up on your floor.
Pick Out Cozy Bedding
Have you ever wondered why hotel rooms feel so relaxing? It’s usually because they start by outfitting the bed in a big, fluffy comforter. Go out and find the most cozy bedding that you can find. Some soft sheets and pillows all have you ready to slumber. You should also pick out a cozy throw or two that you can layer on your bed for an even more relaxing effect.
Add a Few Luxurious Accessories
Once you’ve set up the main parts of your room, you can then have some fun accessorizing. Choose adjustable lighting that you can dim to prime your brain for bedtime. A lamp near your bed will also inspire you to read books rather than peruse stressful news articles. You can also add lush curtains to your windows that help block out the outside light along with a plant or two to make your room feel even more like home.
If your bedroom inspires you to work or stress out over your responsibilities, then it is time for a change. Your bedroom is where you refresh yourself after a tough day, and it should reflect serenity and calm. Focusing on making this your relaxing retreat pays off when you wake up rested and ready to face anything that comes your way.
Guest Blogger

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan