If you consider yourself to be savvy when it comes to finances, you probably know that sometimes it is better to rent something than it is to buy it. There will be times in your life when you only need to use a piece of equipment for a short period of time. Renting the item for a day, a week or even a month or longer will probably still be smarter than buying a new one. Plus, you won’t have to store the item and possibly pay expenses for upkeep. Here are a few things that probably make more sense to rent than to own.
A Camper
If you are planning a once-in-a-lifetime camping event with your family, it doesn’t make much sense to buy an expensive camper. You can rent one for a couple of weeks, have a fantastic vacation, and then return the camper to the place you rented it. A new camper can easily cost more than $30,000. Even buying a used model can set you back $15,000 or more. When you rent, you get a camper in decent condition and will likely pay less than $1,000 a week. There also won’t be any registration and licensing fees for a rental.
A Medical Bed
If you or a loved one needs to recuperate after an accident or surgery, a hospital bed rental in Toronto might be just the item. The bed will provide all of the comfort needed for an indefinite period of time. The right bed and mattress will allow for a number of angles to make the patient comfortable throughout the day and night. Also, since hospital beds come with safety features such as railings and supports, the person in the bed can relax and feel a sense of security. A hospital bed works for both a short-term illness or for a period of several months.
A Wedding
You want a wedding to be memorable, so sometimes it’s a good idea to pull out all of the stops. You can rent arbors and pergolas and other fancy wedding rentals to make the most of this special day. You might have your heart set on an outdoor celebration, so a large tent could be the perfect item. It will add some class to the party, plus it will come in handy if it rains or its windy. Or you can wow everyone with some wonderful lanterns or mood lightning to put all the guests in the right frame of mind.
Renting is a great way to save money. Also, it can be a way to get better equipment at a reduced price.