Toddlers are very active by nature and require constant supervision to prevent accidents. According to ChildStats.gov, accidents were the leading cause of death for children aged one to four in 2019. Toddlers seem to always get into some sort of mischief regardless of how much you seem to watch them. Here are four common home hazards your toddlers may need protection from
Sharp Objects in the Home
If you went through your home and counted all the sharp objects, you would probably be amazed at how many things you’d find. Having a toddler in your home doesn’t mean you need to empty your home of sharp objects, but it does mean you need to acknowledge them and keep them in their proper place. Keep sharp objects, like knives and forks out of the reach of your toddlers. Childproof locks on your cupboards can be very helpful.
You have to have electricity in your home, but there are ways you can decrease or eliminate the danger of your toddler being shocked or electrocuted. Toddlers seem to be attracted to electrical cords and electrical outlets. These things, along with loose wiring, can pose a real danger to toddlers. Keep electrical wires hung up as high as possible. Put child-proof covers on your electrical outlets. If you suspect you may have an electrical short somewhere in the home, contact an electrician. An electrician will not only fix the problem but can also offer safety tips.
Choking Hazards
Another thing that may surprise you is the number of choking hazards in your home and right under your nose. Many of these things are small items you tend to overlook. Nails, screws, dog food, buttons, pennies, and even popcorn are all choking hazards for young toddlers. It’s a fact that young toddlers put almost everything in their mouths. The best way to keep your toddler safe from choking hazards, other than to not have them in your home, is to make sure your floors are swept or vacuumed regularly.
Whether you realize it or not, chemicals are everywhere in your home. Whether it’s baby lotion, dish detergent, nail polish remover, or a dozen other things, they all choking hazards with chemicals that can be harmful or fatal if swallowed by your toddler. Keep all your chemical-based things either in locked cupboards or put high enough that they are out of your toddler’s reach. You should also consider having a list of emergency numbers in case of an emergency.
Keeping your toddler safe from accidents may seem like a big task, and it is a big task. However, removing or correcting certain home hazards can make your job a whole lot easier. It can also be a great way to teach your toddler how to be careful and avoid these potential hazards.