Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing/viewing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
While not directly a faith-based film, “COOL IT” takes a broad and challenging look at global climate change while it offers important environmental and social justice messages for everyone. A call to stewardship that not only focuses on the planet and its resources, but also on its people. There must be a healthy balance in caring for the least of our brothers and sisters as we become responsible caretakers of our planetary resources. This documentary suggests an approach to tackling the sustainability of creation in light of awareness towards other global concerns such as world hunger, education and access to safe shelter and clean water. In “COOL IT,” environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg goes beyond global climate change to remind us of man’s obligation to his fellow man. He urges rethinking a “just throw money at it” approach in favor of one that will enable the critical investment of more resources to help benefit suffering people along with the planet we inhabit. “COOL IT” offers an opportunity to offer another way forward for the entire planet with a message that will resonate with the world.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting COOL IT to be as it was. Bjorn Lomborg revealed a lot about global warming and the fear surrounding it. I wasn’t one to get caught up in all the Y2K hype, even though I did try to have a full pantry at that time. Nor have I been one to fully embrace the “Treehugger” thoughts on being envrionmentally conscious, so global warming has not been an issue for us. However, we have been concerned with seeing a change occur in the present state of things here in the US.
Bjorn Lomborg is an environmentalist yet many of his own colleagues are not embracing what are considered some very different thoughts. Here is one that stood out to me, besides the money aspect that was mentioned in the paragraph above, did you know that the treaty they wanted to sign to help polar bears would only save one polar bear per year for x amount of years? So Bjorn Lomborg said something really profound, are you ready? He said that we shoot 300 polar bears a year, so to help the polar bear population why don’t we just stop killing them? Seriously, what a great answer! Yet so often the government wants to “bail” their way out of problems or the concerns of the people.
Whether you are environmentally conscious or not, this documentary is something everyone should watch and glean from. You don’t have to agree with 100% of what was said to take something away from it.
COOL IT opened in theaters across the country yesterday. It is a must see if you want to help bring about real change in the world and in this country.
Here’s the trailer: