Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
I have had a number of diaper bags over the years, but I don’t think I have ever liked one as much as I like the timi & Leslie 2-1 Felicity Backpack. Now, this is a fashionable diaper bag! It really functions well as an organized bag. Many bags & totes tend to be just that, a huge sea that you throw items into but when you need to retrieve somethine you have to fish through everything get to it. Not so with this diaper bag.
The Felicity 2-in-1 backpack gives you two bags for the price of one. It is a diaper bag with a padded, adjustable, shoulder strap. The strap is long enough to wear it across your body like a messenger bag. It may also hang on your stroller handles. The backpack straps are padded just like the shoulder strap and are also adjustable. They tuck into their own little pocket when being used as a diaper bag.
At first, I wondered if this bag would be large enough for my three younger children things when we went out. However, it has 15 pockets! The pockets are the best thing about this bag as it helps keep things organized. Since I breastfeed, I use the bottle pockets for two tall water bottles. The water bottles are kept in place so they do not leak. There are two inside front pockets that I use to hold disposable diapers. Then the main compartment I use for extra clothing, wipes and pull ups for my two year old, as he has regressed in potty training since Sir Eats Alot was born (boo hoo).
There is what I call a secret pocket that I keep more important items in, a pocket to hold a compact foldable changing pad that matches the diaper bag. The smaller outside pocket even has 3 little dividers that I can use to put my cell phone in, toss my keys into or whatever else. There are also two pockets on the outer sides of the bag for sippy cups, water bottles or baby bottles.
I love that this diaper bag has four sturdy metal feet or posts on the bottom of the bag. I’ve always hated the fact that most of my other diaper bags had nothing on the bottoms of them. So if I ever had to set it down anywhere, the bottom got dirty or wet. No worries now.
Everything about this bag screams quality.The price tag is probably more than the average person would spend, but it is really worth it in my opinion. It is a bag that won’t be discarded and left unused. This is a bag that will last.This fashionable diaper bag is made from water resistant poly-canvas accented with silver hardware, which is made from durable material. It would make a great gift for an expectant mom.
This timi & leslie 2-1 backpack is available at for $69.99.
1/31/2011 – Editor’s update: The inside flap of this bag has ripped at the seam, otherwise, it is holding up very well and keeping things very organized, which is what I absolutely love about this bag! The only other thing is that has come up is that because it is has a two snap closure it leaves an opening on either side, so it is not safe to tuck little stuff in the main compartment because you risk losing it out the sides. Just thought I would add these things for your information.