Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Timex has always been my preferred brand for watches for many years. Seriously. I was not paid to say that. I had a Timex watch for over ten years, it was water resistant and I loved it, but one day it just stopped working. A new battery did not even revive it. Its life was over and I just never replaced it for one reason or another, but mostly because I did not like most of the ones on the market. Until….
I received a beautiful Timex watch that features genuine Swarovski crystals. It is a watch that can be dressed up with a party gown or dressed down with a casual outfit worn at home. It is a classy piece of jewelry.
The strap is roomy with nine holes. I have to wear mine on the fifth hole. It holds up well to getting a bit of moisture on it, but the timepiece itself is sadly not waterproof or water resistant. So moms beware of that and take it off for dish washing, giving the little ones a bath, watering your flowers or washing the car.
What you might not see in the photo is the textured pattern of the leather strap. If my camera was better I could post a picture of the “Genuine Leather” stamp on the inside of the strap too, but alas my camera does not take very good close ups.
This watch features:
o 52 Genuine Swarovski Crystals
o Stainless Steel Case
o Genuine Leather Strap
o Mineral Glass Crystal
o Polished Finish
The retail price of this watch is $90. Watches from the Timex Women’s Crystal Collection are available on
Style Expert Amy Goodman
Here is a short video featuring three fashion must-haves that will save you from a style disaster – “Closet Staples”! These are taken straight from the pages of Timex fashion trend director and style expert Amy Goodman’s new book, Wear This, Toss That!
Closet Staples-TP from Timex Style on Vimeo.
Below is a description of the book, Wear This, Toss That!:
o Dressing poorly costs us interviews, first impressions, money . . . and a whole lot more; but you can look good all the time, asserts Amy E. Goodman, Timex fashion trend director and style expert. Her one-stop fashion and beauty book cuts through the information overload to teach you how to dress to impress whatever your age, lifestyle, or size-while staying true to yourself and your budget.
o Cleverly organized like a woman’s closet, Wear this, Toss That! outlines the 30 pieces of clothing and 30 accessories plus beauty basics every woman must own. Then Amy builds beyond the essentials, walking you through your closet, rack by rack, shelf by shelf, and drawer by drawer, telling you what to wear and what to toss.