Summer is almost here! And we thought that we would share five important laser hair removal tips.
#1. Determine whether or not laser hair removal is for you. As technology has advanced in the laser hair removal industry, lasers have been developed to treat patients with all skin tones, however there is still not a laser out there that can treat gray, white, red or light blonde hair. People with those hair colors will see some results with laser treatments, but it will not be as effective.
#2. Do Your Research & Find a Certified Clinic. Laser hair removal is an aesthetic procedure that should only be performed by a certified professional. A reputable medspa or skin care clinic should not only have a certified aesthetician but the proper equipment for your laser hair treatment. Pricing is an important factor, but it should not determine your overall decision.
#3. Not All Lasers Are Created Equal. The laser you are treated with will determine whether or not you’ll get the most effective laser hair removal results. There are a variety of lasers on the market, but the variable that determines best results has a varying wavelength of light, which are designed for specific skin tones. Make sure to ask questions about the equipment before your procedure.
#4. Follow pre- and post-treatment recommendations. The most important recommendation is to keep the area you are having treated out of direct sunlight. In order for laser hair removal treatments to be most effective, you need your skin to be in its most natural state. We recommend no direct sun exposure two weeks before and one week post. Also, not waxing, shaving or tweezing hair before or in between treatments leaves nothing for the laser to target.
Happy summer!