The current hot topic at the moment is the Tokidoki Tattooed Barbie. This doll features several large tattoos, pink hair, a trendy outfit, and a cute little dog.
Unlike the other dolls, these tattoos are not stickers. They are permanent tattoos on the doll. Many girls love this doll because she is trendy and quite cute. And I’m sure alot of little girls want this costly Barbie under the Christmas tree this year. But is she sending the wrong message to kids?
Personally, I think it’s fine for adults to get tattoos, but children??? I have nothing against tattoos, but I don’t think it’s sending kids a good message to let them play with a tattooed Barbie doll. I don’t care if the tattoo is a dog, or a swear word. I don’t like it. I don’t think that letting kids choose at such a young age if tattoos are right or wrong is ok. Â I understand that it’s up to the parent to decide, but I still think it’s a little much. They are kids. Let them be kids and leave the adult issues out of it!!!!
Whatever happened to a career Barbie? It’s bad enough that most Barbies don’t even look REAL and that they wear micro-mini skirts and too much makeup, but we think that they have gone too far!
What about you? Is this Barbie inappropriate or do you think it’s trendy and cool?

I don’t think this is inappropriate. It’s fun. Kids like tattoos and they legally can’t get real ones until they’re 18, so let them enjoy the fun barbie. At least this barbies short skirt has some leggings under it. I’m curious though, if you don’t think that this doll is sending kids a “good” message, then what kind of message are you implying? You say you don’t have anything against tattoos but you seem to think they aren’t “good”. As a child I was always fascinated by tattoos and birthmarks. I drew on myself all the time. Today I have many tattoos and to me, this barbie just looks like a lot of girls I see walking around in my city. I think little girls like barbies because they imagine themselves as adults being like barbie. They’re not going to run to their local tattoo shop demanding a toki doki half sleeve. There are career barbies, mermaid barbies, fairy barbies and starlet barbies. How about a career barbie that happens to be tattooed? That’d be more accurate. =) Sorry about the rant, I get a little defensive when people seem to infer that tattoos imply something bad or wrong. It’s just permanent art and has been around since people could use tools. I’m far more offended by Barbie’s name and most of what she wears than what she looks like. And after all, she is just a doll. And it could be worse, she could be a Bratz doll. (shudders)
me again… WOAH! I just looked up her price. Crazy! So just give your kids some scissors to cut a regular Barbie’s hair, some kool-aid to dye it and some colorful sharpies so they can tattoo her themselves. Custom Barbie!