I know alot of kids going back to school will need glasses this year. It’s sad, but they will also probably be afraid of getting labeled with names like “four eyes” “bug eyes” or even ruder terms. We as parents need to show our kids that glasses aren’t something to be ashamed of, rather they can be really cool!
You can also point out to your child that big kids have a responsibility to take care of their glasses and make sure that they stay safe and older children may actually grow to love their glasses if they are unique and different! We have several children with glasses and letting them pick them out themselves has made them like and want to take care of them even more.
Today we wanted to share what Converse is doing to make glasses cool. The latest style for glasses is fun, new, and glow in the dark! They brought in a whole new trend for kids 5-15. They are $137 and can be found at shops nationwide.
In the daylight, these pop of color frames have the appearance of frosted ice, with optical lenses. While hitting the playground during the day, they soak up the light, powering-up for their night time glow. When the sun sets or things go dark, the optical illusion begins: the frames of these unique glasses begin to glow!
Study sessions, dances, parties, and sleep overs will never be the same again. Glasses are COOL again!
Converse Inc. is a division of NIKE INC. They sell shoes, apparel, and many other products nationwide in over one hundred and sixty countries. For more information, visit Converse at www.converse.com