If your children are anything like mine, then you know that when they are sick the last thing they want is for you to take their temperature. I was always taught that the most accurate place for taking a child’s temperature is first rectally and second under the arm. Now that my son is older, inserting a thermometer rectally is nearly impossible. He does not even like it when I place the thermometer under his arm because you have to keep his arm down and still for twenty seconds while the thermometer reads it. I like to take the temperature three times to make sure I did it right, so it is always a struggle. The last thing you want your child to be is uncomfortable when they are already sick. When I heard about a thermometer that you could simply scan across the forward I thought, this is too good to be true. After reading through the research behind it, I learned how effective this method really is.
The TemporalScanner Thermometer is a wand-like probe that takes the temperature in 2-3 seconds. Simply remove the protective cap and place the probe on the center of the forehead. Press the button and keep holding it down while lightly sliding it across the forehead into the hairline. Let go of the button and the temperature can be read immediately. Not only is it very easy to do, but the probe is very gentle that it can even be done on a sleeping baby. That was my favorite feature. I remember trying to take my son’s temperature while he was asleep and it was always a challenge and most of the time he woke up during the middle of it. The probe is so light it feels as if a hand is brushing across your forehead. I also like that, although unnecessary since the reading is so effective, you can repeatedly take their temperature multiple times in a row without them being uncomfortable. It is suggested to wait 30 seconds before repeating a scan, which is very fast in my opinion. You may be wondering why the reading would be so accurate on a forehead. The temporal artery runs across the forehead and is directly connected to the heart via the carotid artery. The best place to measure temperature is in the center of the heart, but this can only be done under a doctor’s supervision. The temperature of the blood in a major artery, like the carotid artery, accurately reflects true body temperature. Simply put, this is the next best way to measure your body’s temperature!
The TemporalScanner Thermometer is available at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Costco, Babies R’ Us, Toys R’ Us, and Sam’s Club. It comes with a 9-volt battery and an instructional manual. This thermometer can be used on infants, babies, children, and even adults. It has a one-year warranty and can be easily cleaned with a little rubbing alcohol. It is the only thermometer your family needs and will be the only thermometer I will ever use. Go to their website www.exergen.com to view news releases, clinical studies and testimonials, and a very informative educational video. I highly recommend the TemporalScanner Thermometer to families of all ages. Once you go Temporal, you’ll never go back!
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.