As mothers we know that cleaning is a part of our job description. Whether it is spilled milk, crumbs on the floor, toys scattered from room to room or an unexpected mess that a two year old made in his daily adventures, we need an ample supply of cleaning products, don’t we? In my web surfing this weekend I came across a “freebie” you all might be interested in. It’s a MicraFiber Cloth.
The MicrFibra Cloth seems to be similar to the microfiber cloths and I really like the new ones I bought for the kitchen, so I ordered this “freebie”. You can all get your own MicraFiber Cloth- for free, but you do have to pay shipping and handling! I ended up paying $2.99 when I checked out. They currently have a special:
Value Pack Special SPECIAL PRICE of $19.99 vs Regular Price of $25.00
Includes 4 Standard Cloths and 1 BadBoy Cloth
Each cloth by itself sells for $6.00, so the $2.99 seems reasonable in light of the individual price, special and regular price.
More about the Micrafiber:
MiraFiber® Ultimate Cloths®
- Available in two sizes – please see below. (Photo and info on their website)
- ARE TOTALLY GREEN / ECO-FRIENDLY. Good for your environment inside & out… no chemicals & saves the trees when you don’t have to use all the paper towels! Use them over & over. Great for those individuals with chemical sensitivities.
- Leave no chemical streaks or water spots when used correctly.
Visit to order your “freebie”. Or go here for more value pack options.
Once I receive and review my cloth I will post my thoughts, so be sure to leave a comment telling me if you took advantage of this offer and how the cloth worked for you.