Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.
Your Family Constitution, written by Scott Gale, is a very practical resource for families. Mr. Gale shares the importance of the three C’s within your family unit – Clarity of expectations, Consistency in routine and dishing out of good and bad consequences and lastly, Commitment to an established routine and structure within your home.
Mr. Gale shares from his heart his own struggles, especially his well-referenced “Black Sunday” and how that day was a turning point for him. It was also the beginning of his journey in establishing The Gale Family Constitution.
I believe all families would benefit from Mr. Gale’s book. Wouldn’t you all agree that none of our families are perfect and that we all need to re-evaluate our parenting at times? Your Family Constitution is a fresh perspective on how to define (or redefine) family values, communication, structure and resolving common family issues.
This book includes helpful tips, fun constitution templates that will even appeal to children, resources and ideas, not to mention offering hope to families desperate for change.
Let me end with a quote from the back cover that should cause us all to think about our parenting methods in a new light:
“Parenting can be more rewarding than you ever dreamed. Learn the time-tested secrets of how to bond with your kids while effectively teaching them life’s most vital lessons.”
Editor’s Note: Neither Mr. Gale nor I are claiming that his book is the solutions to every family’s problem, but it can be a tool to help parents get back to the things they value most and enable them to teach it to their children.