You don’t have to be blessed to speak a second, third or even fourth language to appreciate these onesies from Bonjour Bambino. Mary Powaga-Anderson has a passion to encourage multi-lingual homes with a bit of fashion culture through printed terms of endearment on baby onesies. Currently she has French, Spanish, and Italian sayings on white colored onesies. The onesies are 100% cotton and come in sizes: 3-6 months and 6-12 months. The style choices include long sleeves and short sleeves.
I love the saying on the Italian onesie “Dolce Amore” meaning “Sweet Love”, while presenting a line drawing of a chocolate cupcake. Most women love chocolate and Mrs. Anderson shares that Italians love candy, so there you have it…share your love of sweets with your baby via a new onesie!
The French onesies have three different sayings: “Mon Petite Amour” meaning My Little Love, “Mon Petite Chou” meaning My Little Cabbage, and “Mon Petite Pois” meaning My Little Pea. Bonjour Bambino has made these baby onesies very cute and attractively designed.
Finally, the Spanish onesies come in the following: “Mi Angelita” which means My Angel, “Mi Diablito” which means My Devil (not sure I like this one) and “Tengo Hambre” which means I’m Hungry. We all have had very hungry little people in our homes and can appreciate that saying.
For those wishing to enhance their bambino’s wardrobe with multiculturalism, you may purchase these linguistic onesies at