Zoocchini is a company that sells adorable products. And they want to give all of you a chance to win a plushie of your choice! Check out some of these cute plushies. So you wanna win a plushie from Zoocchini? Winner picks the plushie. TO ENTER:Visit Zoocchini and tell me which plushie you would […]
TV Can Actually Improve Your Sex Life!
Even though most of use think that television and technology harm relationships, they can actually be used to help! According to TiVo’s “Turn on the Love†survey TiVo users spend more time together and are twice as likely as generic DVR users to put down their laptop during quality time at home. According to the […]
Special Toy Deals and Giveaways on Kmart Playdate Place
With Summer just around the corner, it’s time to switch from indoor, wintertime toys ones more conducive to outdoor fun. Kmart’s Playdate Place site is a place that has special toy deals. There is a sign up process, but for those who do they are automatically entered into special weekly toy giveaways/sweepstakes, plus there are […]
Summer Essentials for Kids
Looking for some summer essentials for your kids this summer? Look no further! We have put together a list of some cool products that kids are sure to love this summer! (And you will too!) Bento from Skip Hop BENTO is the most innovative and functional diaper bag ever created. BENTO includes the insulated MEALTIME […]
Robert Pierre
Most of us have graduated from high school, only a small percentage do not. It is also a very small percentage of people who accomplish something extraordinary before high school graduation. It requires a lot of support and much confidence to do something extraordinary, which is exactly how Robert Pierre has got to where he […]
Wrist Jockey Giveaway
Introducing the Wrist Jockey…PERFECT for stylish moms & women on the go! This fantastic new product will allow you to take your music with you wherever you go and look stylish while doing it. How often have you forgotten your iPod, or had no where to keep it on you at the gym, out for […]