It is always a wonderful feeling as a parent when you discover that your child has some hidden talents and it then becomes a great opportunity to nurture their creativity and show them ways to make the most of what they have. Here is a look at ways to encourage your child’s inner artistic skills […]
Gaming Son? 3 Strategies To Connect With His Interests
One of the things that children like to do is play video games. With all of the realistic games that are on the market to purchase and those that are available online, you might find that your son is spending more time in his room playing games instead of spending his time with the family. […]
How to Supervise Your Child’s Smartphone Activities
One of the biggest problems with raising a child today is something that your parents probably never dreamed of: the amount of time kids spend and the type of content they may find on their mobile devices. Responsible parents should have some idea about what their children are finding online, but it can be tough […]
3 Qualities Of A Family Car You Need To Look For
While you may prefer a sports car or one that has as much style as it does substance, it may not be the best choice for your family. A good family car will be reliable, will have enough room to carry both people and luggage and will hold its value for many years. Why are […]
7 Geek-Chic DIY Hobbies For Dads
It feels good to have hobbies ― everyone says so. Participating regularly in a cherished hobby provides the same powerful health benefits of exercise because it allows your mind and body to de-stress. What’s more, hobbies tend to keep you active in a community, and being social is fundamental for staving off loneliness, depression, and […]
Top Apps to Inspire Your Kids to Get Some Fresh Air and Exercise
With all of the computer and console games, movie channels and other indoor distractions that are around today, sometimes it seems nearly impossible to get your kids to just go outside and play. The good news is, you can use their love of electronic games and apps to get the to do just that. Developers […]