Ryan Seacrest went to a lot of trouble to surprise is mom this Valentine’s Day. Guess what he did? He worked with Scope Outlast to put on this Kiss Mob surprise for his mom, Connie, (the lady in the blue sweater to the left in the photo) for Valentine’s Day. To use the words of […]
Book Review of The Coupon’s Mom’s Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. The Coupon Mom’s Guide to Cutting Your Grocery Bills in Half by […]
Q & A with Scott Gale, Author of Your Family Constitution
Thanks to Phenix Publicity I had to the privilege to conduct an e-interview with Scott Gale, author of Your Family Constitution. Below you will read our Q & A: Could you please tell our readers a bit about yourself (mini bio/family/history as an author). I am the prototypical busy dad, trying to stay afloat in […]
Book Review – Miracle in Sumatra
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Miracle in Sumatra, written by Jeanne McNaney, is a fictional account of […]
The Baby Planner: A Guide to Becoming a Baby Planner
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. photo by bugandbean.com Baby Planner and Author, Mary Oscategui, generously allowed me […]
Book Review of Late, Lost and Unprepared
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Initially, I had a hard time getting through this book, Late, Lost […]