It feels good to have hobbies ― everyone says so. Participating regularly in a cherished hobby provides the same powerful health benefits of exercise because it allows your mind and body to de-stress. What’s more, hobbies tend to keep you active in a community, and being social is fundamental for staving off loneliness, depression, and […]
Top Apps to Inspire Your Kids to Get Some Fresh Air and Exercise
With all of the computer and console games, movie channels and other indoor distractions that are around today, sometimes it seems nearly impossible to get your kids to just go outside and play. The good news is, you can use their love of electronic games and apps to get the to do just that. Developers […]
My Pregnancy Today App
There is a pregnancy app that is revolutionizing the way women go through their pregnancies. Baby Center’s app, My Pregnancy Today, has over 30,000 ratings in the app store, and the average rating is five stars. The My Pregnancy Today app enables you to track your pregnancy day by day. Featuring colorful graphics and fetal […]
The Baby Book App from CanDoBaby!
Our little ones grow up way too fast, if you blink or turn your head for a second they’ve rolled over or started walking. The FREE BabyBook app by CanDoBaby allows parents to record and track their baby’s milestones as they grow and develop. The app is easy to use and offers up to four […]
OB on the Go Pregnancy App
Pregnancy is a time of new beginnings in every area. Whether you are going to be a mom for the first time or this is your third pregnancy it’s going to be stressful. You can however ease your mind and help reduce the stress thanks to a new app called the Pregnancy Companion. It’s amazing […]
I Karoo, Do You?
Social media is the modern day way to stay in touch with your family, friends, coworkers, and neigbors. If you’re anything like me, you may feel conflicted on whether or not to share personal moments, milestones, and pictures on the Internet. has created a solution to this. Karoo by is an app that allows […]