Synthetic preservatives can not only lead to health problems and unhealthy weight gain, but also hyperactive kiddos. Sadly, it’s a hassle to find snacks that don’t contain synthetic sugars and preservatives such as parabens, aspartame, dyes, artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, or tons of white sugar. Note: Natural sugars found in fruit aren’t bad. […]
Why You Should Incorporate More Greens In Your Child’s Diet
Greens are an important source of vitamins and minerals, especially for growing children who need these essential vitamins as their bodies are in a constant state of growth. I’m not just talking about romaine lettuce either, I’m talking about the rich, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard. These beauties are full of fiber, […]
Drink Smoothies to Help You Lose the Baby Weight
Losing the baby weight is a challenge for most of us moms, but with a little hard work and dedication, you can definitely pull it off. One great way to watch those pounds start dropping is to incorporate smoothies into your diet. And I’m not talking about the sugar filled ones you can buy at […]
Five Healthy Snacks for Toddlers
Toddlers are picky creatures and their wrath is terrifying when you’re facing a tantrum head on. Finding snacks that they actually eat is sometimes an even bigger problem than dealing with a tantrum. To make your life a little easier, here are five healthy snack ideas that are perfect for toddlers. Apples and Peanut Butter: […]
Five Ways to Eat Healthier in this New Year
I’m sure most of us have resolutions to eat healthier in this new year, and here are five ways to help keep that resolution. Cut back on the sugar- This might be a no brainier, but cutting back on the sugar that you eat and keep in the house will not only; improve your mood […]
Battling Colds this Winter
Lets face it, cold suck. No matter how much we hate them or attempt to prevent them, there is always that one but that we aren’t going to be able to escape. It swoops through and strikes everyone in the house, making everyone miserable. Here are some tips to survive the cold that will inevitably […]