Prenatal vitamins are considered a must during pregnancy by most medical professionals – at least it is highly recommended. The thing is many women have a hard time finding one that is “right” for them. If you are like me, you’ve probably tried vitamins that caused additional constipation and nausea on top of what you […]
Exercising after Childbirth
By Ari Brown MD and Michele Hakakha MD Adapted from their new book, Expecting 411 One of the most common questions we get from women is this one: “After I deliver, when can I start exercising again?” We’ve all see the Kate Hudson types in Hollywood go back to being stick thin just weeks after […]
How to Grow an All-Natural, Toxin-Free Baby
By Ari Brown MD and Michele Hakakha MD Adapted from their new book, Expecting 411 The baby-to-be that’s growing inside you depends on you to keep her safe and healthy. Fortunately, your baby’s placenta acts as a great barrier to the outside world—but it doesn’t block the passage of everything to your unborn baby. Germs […]
7 Old Wives’ Tales About Pregnancy
This is an interesting article by two doctors, but after I read it I realized that it may be controversial too. Just know that I personally don’t agree with them on everything, especially the one about miscarriages. Even if miscarriages are primarily caused by genetic disorders in the baby’s chromosomes, most of us who have […]
I thought you might be interested in this new pregnancy product – it’s a prenatal music belt. We all have heard of the benefits of talking to or playing music for baby while they are gestating in our womb. Now, instead of putting a pair of headphones on our bellies, we can now plug in […]
Running for Two: Tips for Expectant Runners
I am not a runner, but have known runners and of running expectant moms. I consider myself a walker and my hat goes off to those who run. This article is for them: For many fit women, giving up their exercise routines is more painful than pregnancy itself. On that token, runners are by far […]