Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. The problem? It can be hard to find flattering yet comfortable Valentine’s day dresses for pregnant mamas. Thankfully, Motherhood Maternity and A Pea in the Pod have come to our rescue. With tons of dresses to choose from you will be sure to find a cute, comfy, and […]
Is Cord Blood Banking Good or Bad??
Cord blood banking is a topic being discussed more often by physicians and expectant parents. That’s why Rallie McAllister, M. D., MPH, co-author of The Mommy MD Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, – created this tip list to help soon-to-be parents sift through some important issues when selecting a family cord blood bank. 1. Do […]
Cute Maternity Party Dresses!
Party season is here! But just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean that you have to look un-stylish! Thanks to Sweet Lily Maternity you can look like one hot mama this holiday season! Here are our top picks for this season- This dress is simply beautiful and is perfect for everything. And the best part? […]
Mommy Recovery Kit
Giving birth to a baby is hard work. But, we have the perfect present for a mom! Whether the special mom just had baby number one or baby number five the Mommy Recovery Kit is a perfect gift bag! This gift bag comes in a cute reusable insulated canvas tote which not only makes carrying […]
Moody Mamas NEW Collection At Walmart!
Moody Mamas has dressed celebrities and is carried in high end maternity boutiques and stores like Nordstrom but they just launched a collection that allows ladies to get a whole maternity wardrobe for under $100! I know that all you mama’s love too dress fashionably, so we know you’ll love this collection! It’s super affordable, […]
Babymoons: Travel Tips for Expecting Parents!
Before all you expecting parents dive into a world of dirty diapers and sleepless nights take advantage of your freedom and go on a babymoon! A pre-baby vacation helps you connect as a couple while relaxing and rejuvenating before the stress of parenthood hits. If you’re planning on having more than one child, make sure […]