Taking care of children is definitely a full-time job. Although the trend of having both parents work is set to continue, the number of mothers (and fathers) who are choosing to forego a career in order to spend time with their children is on the rise again. As a stay-at-home parent, you’ll obviously be spending […]
Mom Support: 3 Confidence Boosters For The New Mother
Your new baby is a blessing. You’re grateful for the body that was able to successfully carry and deliver the newest addition to your family, but your confidence levels just aren’t as high as they used to be. If you’re uncomfortable with your new body, there are several things that you can do to boost […]
3 Unexpected Ways To Help Your Body Heal Following Childbirth
Childbirth is a natural phenomenon that brings joy and happiness with the birth of a child. However, the mother’s body experiences various types of stress over the nine months of pregnancy as well as during labor and delivery. Full recovery and healing takes several weeks after the baby is born. In addition to resuming a […]
4 Ways To Keep Your Kids Away From Harmful Chemicals
Our modern world is filled with toxic materials from a wide range of sources, including commercial and private manufacturing, construction and agriculture. Homes and offices are also filled with products made from toxic materials that spread harmful chemicals as they break down. To help keep harmful chemicals away from your kids, consider these four changes: […]
The Boba Hoodie is Perfect for Fall!
During the summer months carrying your baby is easy, but baby wearing can be a bit harder during the colder months. The Boba Hoodie is the perfect solution to this problem. It fits over any soft carrier to keep you and your baby warm. The snug terry cotton and five percent spandex material is suitable […]
5 (Safe) Teething Remedies for Baby
A 2012 study left the FDA informing parents not to use benzocaine to provide relief to teething infants and toddlers. Another study done this year and backed by the FDA is warning parents about the dangers of using over the counter numbing gels and liquids on babies under the age of two. In light of […]