Public breastfeeding is something that is generally looked down upon by almost everyone inside society. Instead of being seen as a natural, nurturing act, it’s seen as something perverted and wrong. Mothers are constantly being oppressed and forced to feed their babies in dirty bathroom stalls or even hide in their car just to avoid […]
Three Overlooked Essentials for New Moms
Bringing a new baby into the world is far from an easy task and while the internet is incredibly helpful when it comes to finding products for your little one, there are often a few essentials that are overlooked. 1. A travel system- Every new mom buys a stroller and a car seat, but most […]
Benefits of Baby Wearing
Baby wearing has slowly, but slowly gained momentum over recent years. While the popular consensus about ten years ago was far from that of natural mamas, it seems like almost everyone has a baby strapped to their chest these days. Recent studies done by psychologists and child care professionals have shown that the long term […]
Four Must Have Products for Your Diaper Bag this Spring
Some days I’m not sure if spring or summer is more hectic for my family. While my youngest is now three, I clearly remember the days when I was trying to Comotomo Baby Bottles – These 100% BPA free baby bottles have a softness to them that replicates your breast. The fun, vibrant colors are […]
The Baby Book App from CanDoBaby!
Our little ones grow up way too fast, if you blink or turn your head for a second they’ve rolled over or started walking. The FREE BabyBook app by CanDoBaby allows parents to record and track their baby’s milestones as they grow and develop. The app is easy to use and offers up to four […]
What I Wish I’d Known About Newborns
As a mom of eight children looking back there are a few things I wish I’d known about newborns way back when I had my eldest. Co-sleeping actually helps in most cases. While there is a great debate amongst moms on whether or not co-sleeping is actually safe, if you have a fussy newborn consider […]