Did you know that your child’s nursery could be full of hidden hazards and dangers? I’m not just talking about small toys or dirt, I’m talking about toxic chemicals that might be lurking amongst common everyday items. Paint for starters, is one toxic chemical. If most paint is unsafe for pregnant woman to use because […]
Five Tips to Manage Temper Tantrums
Temper tantrums are something every parent and child go through together. Some children are more prone to tantrums than others, with my kids there were some that didn’t even throw a tantrum, while we dealt with dozens with other children. Dr. Amy Baxter has five amazing tips to help parents manage temper tantrums. Keep in […]
Tips for Safe Swaddling from Woombie!
To help parents recognize baby safety month, Woombie has five great tips to share with us for swaddling. There are alot of safety concerns that come with swaddling these days, and here are five ways to safely, securely, and snugly swaddle your little one. 1. Keep the crib empty of pillows, blankets, bumper pads and […]
How to Raise Kids Who Love to Read
Installing a lifelong love of learning in kids is something that doesn’t have to be hard to do. Actually, it’s quite easy and reading is just one way to do that. Bonding with your kids over books, is something I’ve done with my children since I was pregnant with my oldest. Â All of my kids […]
How to Choose the Best Nursing Bra
Choosing the right nursing bra for you can be hard. There are so many options out there and finding what is best for you can turn into a massive challenge. To start with, you’ll need at least three nursing bras. Any less and you’ll find yourself in a mad scramble when you inevitably get behind […]
Keeping Kids Healthy this Back to School Season
It’s no secret that when you put a ton of kids together in one place there are going to be germs. And the back to school season is going to be filled with plenty of icky germs just waiting to infect your kids. Here are several ways to keep kids healthy during this back to […]