We all know how guys (and we gals too!) love their recliners. Great for watching sports, favorite TV shows, taking a nap in or just for rocking baby in, if it happens to be a rocking recliner. Father’s Day is coming up and if your significant other has a bad back or is a tech […]
Freshen Up Your Summer Wardrobe
Summer has yet to officially arrive here in the Chicago area, although we have seen a day or two in the high 80’s. It has been cold, wet and rainy, much like many other parts of the country. However, I was recently inspired with ideas for my summer wardrobe while reading the latest edition of […]
Personalized Gifts for Kids – Kidlandia
Kids love things they can be proud of, that they can call their own. As such, personalized gifts are often a huge hit. Just think of the personalized books that were all the rage several years ago. Quite often personalized gifts are not only a help to a child, but to parents, teachers and caregivers. […]
Mom Moves: 5 Ways to Impress Your Family
Mother’s Day was last week, did your family impress you with their love and affection? Mine did as they gave me a dozen roses, body lotion, chewing gum, homemade cards and gifts. Not to forget the precious gifts of quiet, rest and time to read two books that were sitting on my shelf! Do you […]
Top 10 Mother’s Day Coupons
Mother’s day is meant to be a day of celebration for all the hard work that our mothers take on. For some however it brings panic. For most mothers a simple “thank you” or “I love you” is more than enough. But we all know that a little gift of appreciation can speak volumes, and […]
Just in Time for Mother’s Day – 22 Days Nutrition Challenge
22 Days Nutrition Challenge Do You Know it Takes 21 Days to Break a Habit? I am sure there are many moms out there that would love to break some habits. There are probably many more desiring to lose weight. Eating right and exercising are two of the best gifts you could give yourself or […]