Cloth diapering has fast become a trend among parents everywhere. It’s really no wonder either, the benefits are astounding. If you’ve ever wondered some of the reasons why to cloth diaper, especially considering disposables are much more convenient? Here are a few. Cheaper- In the long run, cloth diapering is cheaper and far more affordable […]
Helping Your Younger Children Cope With Back to School
For the littles in your family, having your older children go back to school may be hard. They’re losing their best friends and playmates! Amidst the busyness of everything else, don’t forget about them! Take some time out with these ideas to help them cope for the first few days. Reassure them that they’ll be […]
Are Mini Skirts Appropriate for Toddlers?
A huge debate in many circles is the way clothing stores are sexualizing young girl’s clothing. As a mom, it makes me uncomfortable to see t-shirts for little girls with the words “hot” on them. Kids should be allowed to be kids and we should not be forcing them to grow up so fast. Which […]
Things to Consider When Clothes Shopping for School
I can’t believe school is starting in a few weeks. Amongst paperwork, supply shopping, lunch planning, and gearing up for the general busyness of it all, here are some things to consider when shopping for clothing and shoes for your kids this back to school season. Quality- the school year is rough on everyone, parents […]
Tricks to Helping Bed Wetters
Kids who have bedwetting problems don’t have to be complicated to deal with. Sometimes the problem is only laziness, in which case a motivation may work. Such as a new toy, or a summer party. However, sometimes there may be something going on. In which case, consider taking your child to a doctor. Most of […]
We all have those days when we feel like a failure as a mom and the the only thing we want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. It’s normal, especially when the house is a wreck, dinner is burnt, and the kids are hyper. Even more so when it’s just been a bad […]