No one knows your loved one better than you. However, recognizing that they may require assistance beyond what you can manage is a tough call. If you are having any difficulties providing your loved ones with the appropriate care they require, assisted living facilities are a viable choice. Research indicates that 7 out of 10 […]
Signs That You Have An Unhealthy Relationship With Alcohol
Most people enjoy a drink from time to time? Whether it’s wine at dinner, beer on the weekend, or cocktails while we’re out with friends. Alcohol is an integral part of our culture and has been for centuries. However, some may be drinking too much and developing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. This blog post […]
How to Choose Wedding Invitation Card Design
When it comes to wedding invitations, there are a lot of things to consider. The first, and most important decision is what type of invitation to choose. There are three basic types: formal, semi-formal, and casual. Once you’ve decided on the type of invitation, the next step is to choose a wedding invitation card design. […]
Enjoy Being Pregnant With These 3 Tips
Image Credit: StockSnap from Pixabay. Your pregnancy will be one of the more exciting parts of your life. There’s nothing quite like growing someone inside you, after all. That doesn’t mean that it’s a completely enjoyable experience, however. You’ll typically come across multiple aches and pains. Then there’s the nausea, alongside a lack of energy […]
7 Tips on Feeling Like a Whole New Person
Photo by Matthias Cooper from Pexels If you’re feeling tired, stressed, and not quite yourself lately, then it’s time to take a break from the daily grind. There are many different ways that you can feel like a whole new person again- here are some of our favorite tips! #1 Get more sleep The first […]
Best Apps to Use When You’re a Parent
Being a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you will ever do. Yet, no matter how much we try to prepare for parenthood, new challenges always arise. Luckily, mobile technology has made it easier than ever for parents to stay on top of their kids’ lives and maintain some sanity in […]