The Isossy Children Collection is one of the first global clothing inspired brand just for kids. They’re getting rid of culture barriers by designing and making clothing collections influenced by African, Asian and Western cultures. The collection is a vivid splash of color and bold prints. It’s being called unique and fresh, with choices for […]
Out of Print Clothing Review
This is actually a post written by Magen, not me Theresa. Out of print clothing is a unique company … providing quality clothing for everyone! I found that the best description of the company is best said in their own words… here is a description of their “mission†Out of Print celebrates the world’s great […]
Spring Fashion for Little Girls from Kohls
Spring is almost here and we are so excited to share with you pieces from the new spring Kohls line that make irresistibly cute additions to your little girls wardrobe. Kohls thought up everything from Easter dresses to sweaters and capris. Dollie Me Floral Toddler Dress $22.00 This adorable machine washable dress is perfect for springtime. And […]
littlefox Launches Eco-Friendly Monthly Online Subscription Service
LittleFox (“littlefox”) launched a new monthly subscription service delivering fun, modern, eco-friendly baby products and clothing. All boxes are hand picked by moms and they are approved by kids. LittleFox was created by two sisters after they got tired of purchasing overly hyped up products. So they put their heads together and gathered eco-friendly products […]
Baby Gap Snowflake Collection Launching Exclusively on Gilt Baby & Kids
We love Gilt. They have brought us the most adorable and affordable designer children’s clothing and we have fallen head over heels with them. Their brand new Baby Gap Snowflake Collection just launched on Gilt and we had to share it with you. Gap has so much in store with the holidays and they are […]
TwirlyGirl Review & Giveaway
TwirlyGirl is daring little girls to express themselves through crazy prints and fun patterns. They are asking them to be different and unique. They are the creators of the Original Reversible Twirly Dresses and Skirts®. They sell dresses, tops, bottoms, accessories, doll clothing, skirts and have just added dresses for babies too. TwirlyGirl even has the […]