Taking a vacation with your kids involves a bit more planning than when you were just a couple and there are a number of essential items that need to be on your packing list if you are going to enjoy a stress-free and memorable family adventure. Here are some pointers on what sort of essential […]
3 Strategies to Ease the Transition of Blending Families
Blending families after a divorce is difficult for everyone. Step-parents have to get comfortable with stepchildren who they’ve only met recently, and family bonding isn’t ever quick and easy. However, by putting the effort into forming lasting relationships and using strategies to help the blended family get comfortable, the process can be made much easier. […]
Why Family Dinners are Important to an Integrated and Cohesive Family
A safe, cohesive family environment is not something that happens by accident. It takes planning, dedication, and a lot of scheduling to work as it should. If you are dedicated to making sure your family is one that sticks together, it’s a good idea to start thinking about the benefits of having regular family dinners […]
4 Tips For Picking The Perfect Family Home
When buying a home, it is important to look for a property that will meet your needs both now and into the future, says the Own It Detroit team. After all, a house is a lifelong investment. Therefore, home buyers who are thinking about starting a family will need to think about what their future […]
Family On Board: Sanity Savers for Cruising With Children
Family vacations and holidays are precious times altogether and where special memories are created, but let’s be honest, having the kids in tow can be a bit of a challenge at times. You can find plenty of family-friendly cruise ships these days and they are rightly popular as a holiday choice because they tick so […]
Eat This and Live: For Kids
Since nearly all moms are interested in healthy eating for their families, I thought I would post this announcement about a recently published book. Make Mealtime Easier for the Whole Family! Today we have an abundance of options when it comes to the food we eat. But all foods are not created equal. In fact, […]