Fashionable Media Review Policy: the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing provided the featured product for this review to me, at no cost. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Everyone wants to have a good sleep. I know I do. Getting a good […]
Peventing Auto Repair Rip Offs – Just for Women
In our family, my husband is usually the one to take care of our auto repair needs. Though yesterday I broke down right at the end of my friend’s driveway. Yep, one of my daughters were going to her house to talk about goats and as I turned in her long farm lane the van […]
2 Red Hens Ingenious New Product
2 Red Hens is a brand new product that every mum is sure to love. And Ali Landry has declared them to be a must-have for all moms on Zulilly! At a first glance the the 2 Red Hens Studio Toy Nanny just looks like a diaper bag, but it’s not! In fact it’s a […]
Tummy Tuck Belt For Mama
Moms are busy people. And working out is something that we just have to fit in, but how? If you have belly fat you know how hard it can be to lose it. Wouldn’t it be awesome to lose that fat for working out for only two minutes a day. We have a fast easy […]
Celebs After Baby Body Secret!!
Looking fabulous before, during and after pregnancy is something celebrities have mastered! What is their beauty secret however us housewives, stay at home moms, and single mothers alike wonder. Well, Â Tori Spelling, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Alba, Julie Bowen, Selma Blair and Victoria Beckham have ALL turned to Mama Mio Skincare. Here are the best tips […]
Say No To “Mom” Clothes!
Winter is here to stay, at least for several more weeks. So don’t stay in your mom jeans! Switch things up a bit! Whether you’re chilling in the cold weather or heating up in the tropics, Fresh Produce Sportswear has three tips to brighten up any winter wardrobe. 1.)    Pair a brightly-colored scarf with just about […]