6 Tips to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies submitted by Darren Shuster, Publicist What else can you do when your child refuses to eat anything green and seems to subsist on chicken-fingers and French fries alone? • Make food preparation a family affair. The more you involve your kids in the preparation and […]
Eat This and Live: For Kids
Since nearly all moms are interested in healthy eating for their families, I thought I would post this announcement about a recently published book. Make Mealtime Easier for the Whole Family! Today we have an abundance of options when it comes to the food we eat. But all foods are not created equal. In fact, […]
Kid Tested and Kid Approved Nutritious Meals
If your kids are picky eaters and you’re worried about the quality of their nutrition, the cookbook, No Whine With Dinner: 150 Healthy, Kid-Tested Recipes from The Meal Makeover Moms,may be just what you’re looking for. “With kids, it’s not just about taste,” said Liz Weiss, co-author of the book. “It’s about smell, look and texture which […]
Vitamins for Moms That Taste Like Candy!
If your Halloween candy hangover has just set in and you’re dreaming of something healthy, look no further than One-A-Day Gummie Vitamins. Â Never a big fan of vitamin pills, I completely eliminated pill form supplements from my repetoire following a bad experience with those finger size pre-natal vitamins. Â I tired to monitor my diet to […]
Betty Lou’s Gluten Free Fruit Bars
This afternoon my daughter was given a bunch of gluten free snacks and I tried the blueberry fruit bar. It reminded me of a Fig Newton bar, only it had blueberry and healtier ingredients. It was very yummy. Ingredients: Blueberry Fruit Filling (Fruit Juice Concentrate [Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Apple], Blueberries, Apples, Inulin, Tapioca Starch, Apple […]
Tips on Childhood Obesity from Dr. Bishop
From Michael L. Bishop, M.B.A., Ph.D. Executive Director, Wellspring Studies show nearly 90% of overweight teens become obese adults, bringing a heightened risk of medical, social, emotional, and financial complications. If your child has a weight issue, you may have already noticed the emotional impact: lower self-esteem, little motivation, social isolation, perhaps behavioral issues in […]