This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Freschetta. All opinions are 100% mine. We recently were given the opportunity to try frozen Freschetta FlatBread . We tried the NEW Zesty Italian Flatbread, Brick Oven 5-Italian Cheese and a 4 Cheese Naturally Rising, since the store we shopped at had a very […]
Floradix – Liquid Iron
We all know that health and nutrition in pregnancy is paramount to a healthy baby and mom. If we are not taking care of ourselves in pregnancy, then we are not taking care of our baby either. Last week I learned that my iron was low for the first time ever, besides when I had […]
Fish Soda Review
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Fish Soda is a fun, new way to describe and get your […]
World Renowned Weight-Loss Expert to Pay $50,000 to put a STOP to “Fattest Woman in the World” FAT MADNESS!
Ok, maybe some of you have heard about this unusual story, but the email in our inbox was the first I had heard of it. This is quite unbelievable, yet what people do these days shouldn’t really surprise me. A woman named, Donna Simpson is determined to be the “fattest woman in the world” and […]
SuperKids Nutrition
SuperKids Nutrition is a website full of a lot of free resources to educate parents, teachers and children about healthy eating and living a healthy lifestyle. From articles to kid’s activities, which includes a Super Crew (R) of kid’s characters who eat a variety of healthy foods and get “powers” from doing so. These characters […]
Action for Healthy Kids Announces Free Resource for Improving Kids’ Health
Just got this word from Action for Healthy Kids… This spring, Action for Healthy Kids ( is introducing a monthly e-newsletter just for parents! It will feature tips, tools, recipes and ideas to help kids eat right and be active every day so they are ready to learn. To receive this e-newsletter, send your email […]