Appliances are a significant investment. Not only do they cost a lot of money upfront, but you also have to factor in the cost of running them. It can be hard to know when to replace your appliance. Depending on what kind of appliance it is, some telltale signs will help you decide if it’s […]
6 Creative Kitchen Upcycling Ideas
It’s that time of year again when a lot of us want to give our homes a little update. You’ve done your spring cleaning, but for one reason or another, you just aren’t happy with the appearance of an area of your home, such as the kitchen, for instance. If you’re looking around your kitchen […]
Baking and cooking with our children can not only be a fun activity to do together, but it can certainly knit our hearts together with them to, not to mention teaching them valuable skills for the future. POURfect seems to have come up with solutions to the minor mishaps that occur when we have our […]