As a mom, you will undoubtedly be used to specific daily routines with your family. What’s also likely is that you might not spend as much time as you’d like to pamper yourself and make yourself feel fantastic. Moreover, you’re probably not getting as much sleep as you’d like these days! Being a mom is […]
Foods & Herbs That Help With Weight Loss
We all want to lose those extra inches or weight and cannot starve. Also, the busy schedule of yours does not allow you to go for regular gym sessions. So what do you do, resorting to diet pills is harmful and surgery has side effects and is also an expensive affair. I would agree that […]
Do You Know the Health Benefits of Going Vegan?
Have you considered going vegan, but are wondering if you could maintain it? People choose to go vegan for a variety of personal, health, and social reasons. Some people see veganism as the environmentally conscious way to eat and protect the planet. Other people choose veganism because of horrible farming practices and animal abuses. Then […]
A Weight Loss Resolution You Can Keep
We all know that the holiday season brings extra snacking, which can add extra pounds if we aren’t careful. Now’s the time to plan ahead before all the bottles are recycled, the noisemakers thrown away and the confetti swept up off the floor. If you need to lose weight, then plan to start an weight […]
Sensa Weight Loss Twitter Party!
The Fashionable Housewife is hosting a Twitter Party with over $4,000 in prizes!!! WHAT: Sensa Twitter Party with an iPod giveaway and 6 month supply of Sensa! WHEN: November 18th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm EST. WHERE: Use Tweetgrid, Tweetdeck or Twhirl that can easily filter hashtags. (Use hashtags #sensa and #weightloss) WHY: Because Sensa is […]