Any full-time job runs the risk of burnout and being a mom is no exception. You have to juggle the calendar of everyone in the family on top of your own. You may even have a desk job as well. Don’t just “muscle through.” Notice when you start to flag so you can take action […]
How to Transition from Stay-Home to Working Mom
As a stay-at-home mom, you might feel like the transition into the workforce is pretty daunting. Juggling a full time job while also making sure your kids are taken care of isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible. Taking some time to prepare in advance and organize your resources can make sure that your kids get […]
3 Useful Skills Your Kids Will Be Glad They Learned Early
As a parent, you are constantly teaching your children new skills. While skills like riding a bike are certainly important, they’re not exactly the kind of thing that make a huge difference in life later on. Below, though, are three major skills that can have a huge impact on the trajectory of a child’s future. […]