If you’re willing to make some smart investments now, you’ll likely end up saving a lot of money in the long run. A financial investment doesn’t always have to involve a lot of money and is one of the best ways to secure a better future for yourself. Here are five things that you should […]
Five Ways to Save on Back To School Shopping
Back to school season is here and parents are all scrambling to save money and buy school supplies. Here are our top tips to save money on back to school shopping. Buy ahead- Do your shopping in the early months like July/August. Not September. School supplies are much much cheaper in August and July then […]
Bath Toys
I don’t know about your kids, but mine have some Christmas money to spend. Not sure what to get them yet, so I have been looking at bath toys and clothing. The Boon Frog Pod Bath Toy Storage looks like it might be a product worthy of my attention, but I am going to have […]
How Much Does Your Tooth Fairy Pay?
So, how much do you pay your children when they lose their teeth? I remember getting a quarter to fifty cents or a fifty cent piece. I don’t think I ever got a dollar. We gave our first couple of children money, but just didn’t stick with it and the rest of our children may […]
Tips for Effective Allowance
Tips for Effective Allowance Anton Simunovic, www.ThreeJars.com 1. EMPOWER OUR CHILDREN. Responsible experience is the best teacher, so let our kids practice with real money. Truth is, when the kids spend their money and not ours, they get thoughtful – and fast. And if “mistakes†are to be made, isn’t it better they are made […]