The following information was shared with us about ParentFurther and thought that it would be appropriate to share with all of you. We are all well aware of the pretty bizarre things that can happen in the world we live and I think most of us would say that we desire to raise good kids, […]
Baby Wearing, Co-Sleeping and Attachment Parenting
Courtesy of It turns out attachment parenting isn’t scandalous at all, though some still consider it to be. In my opinion, it’s the healthiest form of parenting for a child and it’s how I am raising my second son, Daniel. But, I have still received criticism from friends and even some family members for […]
5 Tools to Help Kids Visualize Sports Success
By Charlotte Reznick PhD Adapted from The Power of Your Child’s Imagination Sometimes anxiety can stop kids from enjoying activities they used to adore. Love of a sport can create unrealistic expectations and negative attitudes–I’ll never be perfect, or I’m afraid I’ll let my teammates down. If you’re puzzled because your happy child who used […]
Your Family Constitution – A Book Review
Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Â Â Â Your Family Constitution, written by Scott Gale, is a […]
University Study Finds Infants Can Learn From Brainy Baby DVDs
Perhaps many of you will remember that I wrote a review about the Brainy Baby DVDs here. I thought this was a pretty interesting study. They did not indicate how large the study was, if it was conducted independently of Brainy Baby or for Brainy Baby, so it will be interesting to see over time […]
Q & A with Scott Gale, Author of Your Family Constitution
Thanks to Phenix Publicity I had to the privilege to conduct an e-interview with Scott Gale, author of Your Family Constitution. Below you will read our Q & A: Could you please tell our readers a bit about yourself (mini bio/family/history as an author). I am the prototypical busy dad, trying to stay afloat in […]