Fashionable Media Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to me, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. Initially, I had a hard time getting through this book, Late, Lost […]
Tips for Parenting a Disorganized Child
Photo source: “Source:” ChristianPhotos.Net – Free High Resolution Photos for Christian Publications Tips for Parenting a Disorganized Child By Joyce Cooper-Kahn PhD and Laurie Dietzel PhD Kids with weaknesses in planning and organization have trouble independently imposing structure and order on tasks and on ideas. So, they have difficulty organizing information in their heads, […]
The No-Cry Nap Solution Book Giveaway
Congrats to Cathy for winning this giveaway! The Fashionable Bambino has teamed up with famed author Elizabeth Pantley to giveaway a copy of her new book, The No-Cry Nap Solution: Guaranteed Gentle Ways to Solve All Your Naptime Problems!! Elizabeth Pantley’s books for parents are as close to a user’s manual as there is. The […]
The Nine Most Common Myths of Parenting Exposed
Mother of Six Replaces Myths and Guilt with Empowering Truths Large families are the subject of reality shows, best-selling books and now the recent controversy over the mother of Octuplets – these have all stirred up conversations about parenting capabilities and responsibilities. This is little surprise to author Leslie Leyland Fields, a mother of six. […]
Reader’s Digest: Raising Kids Who Care
I wanted to share something with you from the new December issue of Reader’s Digest – Raising Kids Who Care.  The story offers 5 different ways for kids to get started, stay committed, and make a real difference. The advice comes from families that have tried the methods and succeeded. Here are two ways featured […]