When you bought your home, you knew that it would be the perfect place to not only raise your children but to raise your grandchildren as well. You bought your home with the purpose of passing it down to your children for generations to come. To ensure that your home remains in optimal working order, […]
How Parents Can Ensure Their Kids Have Every Advantage in Life
The world has changed rapidly since the mid-90s when innovation revolutionized industries and globalized society. Information overflow educates people on all the alternative routes in life one can take to be successful. Plenty of parents of millennial children experienced a paradigm shift from emphasizing the importance of school to accommodating a more holistic lifestyle. Today, […]
4 Ways to Talk to Your Child About His Grandparent’s Death
Losing a grandparent is a heartbreaking experience for a young child. Grandparents are often seen as figures of stability and comfort, and losing that individual can rob a child of those feelings if the situation is not handled properly. Use Realistic Words When you explain to your son that his grandpa is dead, use words […]
3 Useful Skills Your Kids Will Be Glad They Learned Early
As a parent, you are constantly teaching your children new skills. While skills like riding a bike are certainly important, they’re not exactly the kind of thing that make a huge difference in life later on. Below, though, are three major skills that can have a huge impact on the trajectory of a child’s future. […]
5 Heavenly Home Comforts For The Stay-At-Home Kid-Wrangler
Taking care of children is definitely a full-time job. Although the trend of having both parents work is set to continue, the number of mothers (and fathers) who are choosing to forego a career in order to spend time with their children is on the rise again. As a stay-at-home parent, you’ll obviously be spending […]
3 Strategies to Ease the Transition of Blending Families
Blending families after a divorce is difficult for everyone. Step-parents have to get comfortable with stepchildren who they’ve only met recently, and family bonding isn’t ever quick and easy. However, by putting the effort into forming lasting relationships and using strategies to help the blended family get comfortable, the process can be made much easier. […]