When you have teenagers in the home, it seems like there isn’t a lot that you can do to prepare for the mood swings, the times of not listening and the times when they would rather be alone than to say a word to you or anyone else during the day. Fortunately, the teenage years […]
Mom Support: 3 Confidence Boosters For The New Mother
Your new baby is a blessing. You’re grateful for the body that was able to successfully carry and deliver the newest addition to your family, but your confidence levels just aren’t as high as they used to be. If you’re uncomfortable with your new body, there are several things that you can do to boost […]
Why Family Dinners are Important to an Integrated and Cohesive Family
A safe, cohesive family environment is not something that happens by accident. It takes planning, dedication, and a lot of scheduling to work as it should. If you are dedicated to making sure your family is one that sticks together, it’s a good idea to start thinking about the benefits of having regular family dinners […]
Aged Parents: How to Support Your Mom and Dad in Their Later Years
Your mom and dad were there for you as childhood and adolescence matured you into an adult. As time flies, your parents age along with you. In fact, they may be in their 60s or 70s at this point. It’s important to keep their needs in mind as they age as well. Learn about the […]
How to Teach Kids Health Habits That Increase Wellness
 As a parent, you obviously want what’s best for your children. This means you will do what it takes to help instill healthy habits in them that they will hopefully carry with them well into adulthood. This is certainly not an easy task, and it is made more difficult by today’s sedentary and unhealthy […]
Teenage Daughter? 4 Daddy Daughter Dates That Will Also Teach Her Valuable Skills
As a father and a man, you might occasionally have trouble coming up with things to do with your teenage daughter, because your interests may vary tremendously from hers. What’s even better, however, is if you can find a way to combine fun things to do with activities that will actually equip her with useful […]